How to Wrap Bojagi

Bojagi wrapping is a beautiful and sustainable way to add a touch of elegance to your gift giving. It's zero waste and reusable!
bojagi wrap
Learn how to wrap like a pro with our fun and easy-to-follow video tutorials on YouTubeSubscribe and join the zero waste wrapping movement today! 


  • Choose the right sized bojagi cloth for your item. 
    • Use the large for a wine bottle and larger sized boxes (no larger than 12" x 9").
    • Use the medium for most books and boxes no larger than 7" x 5".
  • Place fragile items in a protective layer before wrapping.
  • Leave at least 6" of tie length on each side to ensure a perfectly fit tie.
  • Be gentle and don't over-tighten the cloth.
  • Use a variety of knots and bows to tie the cloth.
  • Get creative and have fun!