About the Founder

Judy Kim

Meet Judy Kim. Fashion designer and Korean food & culture storyteller founded Bojagi Home Decor in 2023 after working in the fashion industry for over 20 years. She saw firsthand the negative impact of the fashion industry on the environment and wanted to create a mindful brand uniting her design experience and honoring her Korean heritage.
Judy is on a mission to modernize the sustainable Korean art of bojagi to the world, using zero waste and reuse methods to create beautiful and purposeful gifts and home décor. Her handmade products are made from 100% natural materials, and crafted in San Francisco.
Bojagi Home Decor is a testament to Judy's dedication to sustainability and her commitment to creating cherished reusable products. Her work inspires those who are looking for ways to live a modern low-impact lifestyle. She believes that our choices as consumers can make a difference to better our environment.